With the new version of Barbachart 1.5 it is now very easy to create a Vertical Bar Chart Race in After Effects.
There are 3 new parameters in the Config Layer that will allow you to rotate and reposition the labels in the perfect place for a vertical format.
But why do we want to use a vertical format? Well, you know better than me that all new major Mobile Social Media like Tiktok, Instagram and Youtube Shorts are configured to look good on your smartphones, so all the content should be… VERTICAL!
Let’s see the video tutorial together!
Let’s have a look at the 3 parameters:

Bar Spacing
It allows you to increase the distance between the Bars.
Label Rotation
It allows to rotate the labels. By default this is set to 0, but if you set it to 45 degrees, this is perfect for vertical videos.
Vertical Config
This flag reposition the labels in a way that is perfect for Horizontal or Vertical Bar Chart Races.